Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reaction to Sources

I agree with Michael Burgan that the Guggenheim family in the past investing in rocketry is parallel to what wealthy investors are doing today. If the phrase "history repeats itself" holds true, then I agree with him that private space industry will be a success today.

I agree with Peter Diamandis that due to the amount of precious metals and minerals potentially waiting to be discovered, many investors are eager to invest in such an opportunity.

I disagree with panelists mentioned in James Figueroa's article that are arguing that space exploration is too dangerous and risky for private space companies. I believe that due to the greater amount of resources private space companies possess, greater research and care will go into the safety of these projects.

Emma Haak makes a strong point in "Space, The Private Frontier" that private space companies. at the end of the day, are trying to advance space exploration to put the United States on top. With NASA slowing down currently, these private space companies will do all it takes to keep the U.S. at the forefront of space exploration.

I agree with McKelvey's assertion that the role private space companies will take on is to do some of the tasks NASA cannot do as cheap. NASA will no longer be the sole player in the space industry but a consumer of many companies.

Redd makes a valid point about how private space companies have an advantage over government agencies as they are free to take more risks without criticism. Citizens are not paying their tax dollars for private space companies' missions so they are not as judgmental.


  1. You have a really interesting concept that you are doing research over. I will like to see what you come up with.

  2. History does and always will repeat itself. That has held true forever and I highly doubt it would end now. haha

  3. It'll be interesting to see how, if at all, the government interferes with space exploration. Up until now, if they found any extra terrestrial activity they were able to hide it. Now with private companies doing all of the exploration and research, the government may not be able to hide anything from the public.
