Honestly, I did not have to really Google or search the web much to find the website that has to do with my topic. The website I am talking about is called SPACE.com and I have actually used this website for the paper we just wrote also. Even though the website sounds unoriginal and probably unreliable, I found it to be very informative. Overall, the website is set up as sort of a news website dealing with all aspects of space. Since my paper was focused on private space companies, I noticed there was a tab labeled "Spaceflight" that had articles regarding many private space companies and their missions. This website has very good pictures and videos that draw the viewer's interest. I actually got sidetracked while writing this blog post and started watching some videos. Just in the "Spaceflight"section, there are so many stories usually with different authors so you can get different viewpoints and not just one. Later, I happened to find a section for private spaceflight but it was kind of hard to find on the homepage. I, honestly, could have wrote most of the research paper using this website alone but I know that having numerous sources is a sign of a stronger argument. There was not very many links to other websites that I could find, but I think that is because this website sort of acts as a news website itself with their own writing staff. I thought the search bar was very helpful as I could find stories strictly relating to a particular topic. Overall, this website is well organized and really informative.
It's kind of funny that the site has a name as simple as space.com, yet provides such accurate information. Great stuff!