Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Research: Phase 1

The past week or so, I have been looking for a research question for the upcoming essay. My first essay was over the topic of if NASA spending was a waste of money and resources. I feel like this would have been a good topic for this upcoming essay, but I wanted to do something else that still was somewhat similar. I literally Googled "research questions about space exploration" and went through over a dozen of the results. I finally came across a website called www.space.com. Even though this website does not sound very resourceful or legitimate, but it is full of legitimate information and news regarding the space industry. I saw that the website had a lot of information on private space companies and what they are currently doing to contribute to space exploration. I, then, Googled "private space companies" and found many helpful websites that will be useful for the upcoming essay. I decided that my research question would be The article I write about in my previous blog post is one that is definitely going to be used in the essay. I have looked at some of the company websites such as SpaceX and Blue Origin. The SpaceX website is helpful in that it has a timetable and a schedule for upcoming events. The other company, Blue Origin, is also very informative. They have a section dedicated to "Updates" where they inform the public of the most recent status of each project and venture. I will use all these resources to write about private space companies and what all they are doing to advance space travel. I do not know exactly what approach I will be taking, but it will either be argument posing the advantages of having private space companies or asserting how effective it can be with the coexistence of these private space companies and NASA- where NASA could be restructured to be more of like an oversight committee. This will be determined this week based on the sources I come across.


  1. You may want to include the possibilty of the coexestence of a government funded space program as well as privatized companies. It doesn't make any sense to me why everyone is all up in arms about going one way or the other. They should both be able to exist at the same time and compete with each other.

  2. The government, in my opinion, made the smart decision to stop funding all of NASA's explorations. In turn, I am still all for space exploration. Thus, private companies are the only financial backing NASA has and I'm glad to hear that the space program is going on one way or another.
